Grand Rapids Website Design: The Importance of Website Upkeep

Grand Rapids Website Design: The Importance of Website Upkeep

Keep your Grand Rapids business website fresh and competitive. Learn why regular updates are essential for design, SEO, and performance, and discover how Launch Kit simplifies website upkeep for small


As a small business owner in Grand Rapids, you know how crucial it is to make a great first impression. For many, your website is the first interaction they’ll have with your business—and we all know first impressions stick. But having a website isn’t enough. It’s kind of like having a gym membership. Sure, you signed up, but unless you show up and put in the work, that membership alone won’t get you results. The same goes for your website.

The websites that stay fresh and updated are the ones that rise to the top in terms of brand awareness, search rankings, and relevancy. Today, we’re diving into why website upkeep is essential and exactly what you should be updating—and how often.

Why Website Maintenance Matters

Your website is your business's digital home. If it’s left neglected, it won’t be a place people want to visit. Whether it’s outdated information, old photos, or a slow loading speed, people notice when a site feels stale. And search engines like Google notice too. That means if your website isn't regularly updated, your rankings can suffer, making it harder for potential customers to find you.

Not only do regular updates keep your site looking sharp, but they also help ensure that your site functions smoothly. Broken links, outdated plugins, and old security measures can create issues that cost you both time and customers. So keeping your website updated isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s also about making sure your business is running efficiently online.

What to Update and How Often

At Launch Kit, we like to keep things straightforward, so here’s our recommendation for how to keep your website fresh and relevant:

Product/Service Pages: Update Anytime There’s a Change

If your offerings change, your website should reflect that immediately. Whether you’re adding a new service, removing an old one, or tweaking pricing, keep your product/service pages current. This not only avoids customer confusion but also helps you stay competitive.

Blog: Post One New Article Per Month

Fresh content keeps visitors engaged and gives search engines something new to index, helping your site rank higher. Posting at least one new blog per month is a great way to build authority in your industry while also improving SEO.

Portfolio: Add a New Piece Monthly

Your portfolio is a showcase of your work, and it should stay up to date with your latest projects. This not only demonstrates your capabilities but also keeps the site alive with fresh content, which search engines love.

Team Page: Update When Employees Join or Leave

When your team changes, your website should too. If someone joins or leaves your company, reflect that on your team page to keep your business profile accurate and transparent.

Reviews: Update When You Receive New Testimonials

Customer reviews build trust. Each time you get a new testimonial for your product or service, showcase it on your site. It’s a great way to let potential clients know that you’re delivering quality.

Photos and Videos: Refresh When They Get Outdated

Visual content is key. Old, outdated photos or videos can make your business feel stuck in the past. Update your imagery whenever it feels out of date or doesn’t represent your business as it is now.

Contact Information: Update Only When Necessary

Keep your contact information accurate at all times. If your phone number, address, or email changes, this should be reflected immediately. You don’t want customers reaching out to a dead end.

How Launch Kit Keeps Your Website Updated

Back in 2020, we noticed that most small business owners struggled with keeping their websites updated. Back then, we offered traditional website services: we’d build a site, hand over the keys, and that was it. If clients needed updates, they’d get an hourly bill—which usually meant they were hesitant to ask for help, even when they needed it. In some cases, they’d try to handle updates themselves, leading to even bigger problems.

We realized this wasn’t the best way to serve small businesses—especially when timely updates were crucial (like when businesses needed to communicate new COVID procedures). That’s when we decided to innovate our process.

Today, with our small business website membership program, we take care of everything. We design, develop, host, maintain, and update your website for one flat monthly rate. No upfront costs, no surprise bills. Just a high-quality website that stays fresh, relevant, and up-to-date. Plus, because we work with you long-term, we get to know your business inside and out, so every update we make aligns with your evolving needs.

Key Metrics to Track Your Website’s Progress

We’re all about tracking progress, and there are a few key performance indicators (KPIs) we monitor to ensure our clients' websites are on the right track. Here’s what you should keep an eye on:

  • Bounce Rate: We want to see fewer people leaving your site after viewing just one page. A decrease in bounce rate shows that your content is engaging and people are sticking around.
  • Keyword Rankings: It’s all about getting your business noticed. We track how well your site ranks for relevant keywords like "Grand Rapids web design" and "Grand Rapids marketing agency."
  • Overall Site Traffic: Simply put, more traffic means more potential customers. We monitor traffic trends to make sure your website is getting the attention it deserves.

Final Thoughts

A well-maintained website is more than just an online brochure—it’s a living, breathing tool for your business. When your website stays updated, it not only reflects the current state of your business but also helps you stay relevant, competitive, and visible. If you’re ready to take the hassle out of website upkeep, Launch Kit is here to help. With our membership program, your website will always be in top shape, and we’ll be right alongside you to keep things running smoothly.

Bonus Tip: Turn Your Website Updates into Social Media Posts

Each time you update your website, you’re creating fresh content that’s perfect for sharing on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram. Link back to your site and let people know what’s new. Whether it’s a blog post, a new portfolio piece, or a glowing testimonial, this kind of content can drive traffic to your site while also keeping your audience in the loop.

Let’s keep your website working as hard as you do. Get started today.

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