Is the Grand Rapids Economic Club Right for You?

Is the Grand Rapids Economic Club Right for You?

Discover the value of the Grand Rapids Economic Club for small business owners. Join networking luncheons, gain fresh perspectives, and connect with local professionals. Find out if it's right for you


I had heard about the Grand Rapids Economic Club from a few people. First, when I was a guest on a podcast, and then again while in my condo parking garage. It was described as this great gathering of professionals accompanied by a notable keynote speaker. As a young, local, small business owner, I wondered if this would be a good fit for me. Is this for corporate executives, or would someone like myself running a small business get value from it as well? I decided to find out.


The Grand Rapids Economic Club is indeed a gathering of Grand Rapids locals centered around topics like economic development, networking, business insights, and leadership. If you're in Grand Rapids and you value these topics, the club is for you, regardless of your profession.

Cliff Notes

  • Great opportunity for continuous learning.
  • A chance to make connections outside your normal bubble of clients, employees, and co-workers.
  • A chance to think differently about your own business.

What I Do For Context

I started Launch Kit, a marketing agency downtown Grand Rapids, in 2020. We work with small businesses, giving them a chance to share their story. We provide brand development, web design, photo/video content, social media management, graphic design, and advertising.

The Monday Luncheons - My First Experience

The most popular Grand Rapids Economic Club event series is the Monday luncheons - think networking, lunch, club updates, keynote speaker.

Attending my first Monday luncheon, I was a bit nervous. I wondered if being a young small business owner (not a seasoned corporate executive) I had a place here. I didn't know anyone. I had met a neighbor in the parking garage who graciously invited me to come. He kindly greeted me out front, we chatted for a bit, then, given his position of significance, he had business he needed to tend to. Thank you for inviting me, Fred; I'm so happy this opportunity was presented to me!

When you arrive at a Monday luncheon, you'll find people casually chatting/networking outside the main room. A long table is set up where you'll find your name tag. People typically chat for 20 minutes before heading inside the International Ballroom to find their seats. There are no assigned seats. My first time there, I didn't know anyone, so I sat down at a table with strangers. This was uncomfortable but ended up being totally cool - the people I sat with were super nice.

Once you're seated, expect to chat for a bit while lunch begins to be served. Everyone has a name tag that includes their place of employment, which is super handy for helping keep track of names and companies.

After eating lunch with your new table friends, the Economic Club leadership team takes the stage to share group updates. This immediately made me feel excited to be there and like I was getting the inside scoop on the latest news. Once updates are complete, the keynote speaker of the day will take the stage.

I've seen a decent number of speakers in the past; the Monday luncheon speakers do not disappoint. Some of my favorites have been Linda Hubbard and Greg Williams.

These talks are my favorite part of the Economic Club. I like to take notes on my iPad because the conversations always spark fresh ideas and make me view my own business in a new way. It's easy to get stuck in your normal routine, normal sights, and sounds. Breaking the norm and hearing industry leaders speak is like a breath of fresh air into your own life.

Who Attends The Luncheon Events

When I've attended Grand Rapids Economic Club events, most of the people I meet are in professional service industries such as insurance, law, or banking. I'm currently 26 years old in 2024. I'm pretty much always the youngest member there. But I'm cool with that. If I wanted to hang out with people my age, I could go to the BOB.

I haven’t connected with many other small business owners there yet, but I think that’s on me. There are quite literally 1,000 people in the room; I can only manage to talk to a handful.

If you're a small business owner and you attend these events, message me, I'd love to meet!

New Member Welcome Event

In 2024, I went to the new member welcome event at the Warner building downtown. It was great. Think - open networking conversations in a cool high-rise office building where you know that everyone there is also new and excited about getting involved/meeting people. Again, I went by myself and didn't know anyone who was going to be there. I recognized a few people upon arrival and then eventually got into great conversations with new connections.

I left feeling fulfilled, welcomed, and excited to be part of the downtown community.

FAQ's That I Had - From My Perspective

These are some initial questions/thoughts I had, so I figured I'd talk about them from my perspective. For the most up-to-date and accurate information, I'd definitely check out their website here.

How to sign up for membership

Signing up comes in two forms. First, you’ll want to establish your membership online. Your membership gets you the ability to sign up for all Economic Club events. Some are paid, some are free.

How to sign up for events

The Monday luncheon is the go-to event throughout the season. This is the one that takes place at the JW Marriott during lunchtime. To sign up, you visit this page on their website, select your event, and you’re good to go. When registering for the event, you’ll sign in with your membership info. In 2024, Grand Rapids luncheon events cost $48 per person, and this includes lunch, dessert, coffee, and admission to the keynote.

Going to an event as a guest

This is a phenomenal way to see what the events are like. This is how I first attended an event, and it was great. Anyone who’s a member can invite you to attend an event as a guest. In 2024, the guest fee for a member to attend a luncheon is $68.

What’s great about attending for the first time as a guest is that you’re guaranteed to know somebody and have someone to sit with for lunch.

The Annual Dinner

This article wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the Economic Club's annual dinner. It’s their premier event each year at DeVos Hall in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where they bring in a notable keynote speaker for a magnificent evening.

Unfortunately, I can’t personally comment on this event because I have not attended. But I can say that I’ve heard very positive things from people who do attend. They describe it as a night to remember. Therefore, it’s on my agenda to attend this upcoming year.


So, to tie this all together, should you join? Here's my take.

If you are someone who cares about networking with other Grand Rapids professionals, hearing fresh perspectives on business development, leadership, and economics - then yes, you should join and attend the luncheons. If you're someone who isn't particularly interested in growing your business connections, then this probably isn't the best use of your time.

Hoping this article helps at least a few people with questions they may have had about the Grand Rapids Economic Club. If you're looking to attend a luncheon, message me; I'd love to meet up there, happy to even bring you as a guest!

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