Why Invest In Professional Brand Development For Your Small Business

Why Invest In Professional Brand Development For Your Small Business

Professional brand development goes beyond logos. Align your team, define your purpose, and position your business for long-term success. Learn how Launch Kit helps small businesses build lasting bran

Setting a Sustainable Foundation for the Road Ahead

Brand development is often the solution to some deeply rooted challenges in your business. Struggles like inconsistent marketing, misaligned team members, or a lack of new customer leads can be a major pain point for small business owners. It might feel like you’re putting in all the effort but just not gaining traction. You started your business because you love your craft, but nowadays, you find yourself constantly firefighting instead of focusing on what you’re passionate about.

Professional brand development digs deep into the core of your business to uncover the root issues holding you back. It aligns your team, clarifies how your business will position itself in the market, and defines how you’ll communicate with your customers. When done right, it sets the stage for long-term growth and success.

How Is Professional Brand Design Different from Using AI to Make a Logo?

After reading the section above, hopefully we being to see how professional brand development is different from quickly whipping up a logo using AI.

As branding expert Paul Rand said:

A logo’s job is to identify your business, not explain it.

While logo design is a part of a brand development project, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. The real value lies in the strategic work that happens before the logo is created. Professional brand design involves understanding your business's values, purpose, customers, and voice. It’s this clarity that sets the stage for sustainable growth and marketing traction.

If you’re familiar with the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), Launch Kit’s brand design process follows a structure similar to the EOS Vision/Traction Organizer (VTO).

What to Expect from a Professional Brand Design Project

At Launch Kit, our brand development process is both comprehensive and collaborative. Here’s our exact process:

  1. Values - We explore your purpose and define your core values—the guiding principles for decision making in your business.
  2. Purpose - Together, we outline your three-year vision and one-year plan to understand your true intention for your business. Sharing this with your team members is what aligns expectations of where this ship is sailing. As Yogi Berra said, "If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else."
  3. Customers - Creating detailed customer personas gives us a crystal-clear picture of your ideal customers, allowing us to market to them effectively.
  4. Positioning - Based on your values and customer personas, we establish how your business will position itself in the competitive landscape.
  5. Voice - Consistency is key for great brands. By combining your values, target customers, and positioning, we create a brand voice that feels authentic and resonates with your audience.
  6. Moodboard - Next, we design a moodboard to bring all the ideas to life visually. This step serves as a tactile reference for your brand’s aesthetic and overall feeling.
  7. Messaging - We determine whether taglines, slogans, or other supporting text are needed to communicate your brand’s story effectively.
  8. Logo Design - Here’s the part everyone’s been waiting for! Notice how far along the logo is in the process. By this stage, we’ve built a solid foundation to design a logo that represents your brand authentically and speaks directly to your target audience.
  9. Colors - Believe it or not, great logo design starts in black and white. From there, we strategically incorporate colors that align with your brand’s message.
  10. Fonts - Fonts are a subtle but essential part of branding. When used consistently, fonts, along with colors and design elements,  create the cohesive “look” that comes to mind when someone thinks of your brand.
  11. Marketing Materials - With your brand guidelines in place, creating on-brand materials like flyers, business cards, trade show booths, social media graphics, and website pages becomes much more seamless. Whether handled in-house or by a graphic design partner like Launch Kit, your materials will align perfectly with your established brand identity. This creates consistency from one touch point to another.

The Cost of Brand Design

The sooner you invest in professional brand development, the more cost-effective it will be in the long run. A strong brand foundation ensures alignment within your team, guides decision-making, and saves you from the costly mistake of rebranding down the road.

Misaligned team members can cost your business time and resources. With a well-defined brand, you’ll know exactly what to look for when hiring, how to train new employees, and how to hold your team accountable to your brand’s guidelines.

Additionally, branding helps you navigate tough decisions with confidence. When faced with challenges, you can ask yourself: Does this decision align with our values? This framework makes choosing the best path forward much clearer.

Finally, the most expensive part of marketing is often redoing outdated materials to reflect a rebrand. By committing to brand development early on, you’ll save yourself the hassle and expense of retrofitting your marketing as your business grows.

At Launch Kit, we’ve designed our Brand Design package to clearly outline what you’re getting and why it matters.


We wanted to share these insights to help you understand why professional brand development is so much more than just logo design. While a logo is a vital piece, your brand is the foundation of your business.

At Launch Kit, we’re passionate about helping local businesses share their story. After working with dozens of small businesses across Grand Rapids and beyond, we’ve seen how brand design can set the stage for generational success. Helping business owners thrive and fall in love with what they do all over again is what makes our work so rewarding.

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4-Step Marketing Playbook - Our Free Gift To You
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Four Step Marketing Playbook

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